this article may be less coherent and make less sense than my usual articles, since it's more of a rant/personal opinion

Almost 7 years ago I started to create videos that I called let's hack videos. The premise is simple:

Just steal the concept of let's plays but for ctfs and wargames

The idea was to create a kind of portfolio, since I was trying to get a foot into the cyber security industry as a PenTester. (It worked out, btw)

However, the videos kinda "took off", since all other videos at that time looked like this:

Screenshot of an open Notepad with some 2010-era style text (hey what's up guys, ...)

My subs-to-view-ration looked like 100 subs and 2k views. Nowadays it looks more like 95k subs but 100 views.

Amazing, Wow! Another ~ I N F L U E N C E R ~ bragging/complaining about social media, look at me!

But this article isn't about that.

Making Content as a Hacker

You'd think hackers, knowing all the algorithms and tools, would know how to exploit the YouTube Algorithm.

And there sure are "big names" in the YouTube Hacking Influencer scene:

To name a few that have more than 1 Mio. or almost 1 Mio. subscribers. However, most of them don't do it full-time.

John Hammond and NetworkChuck put out content weekly, or even multiple times a week, but most of us can't give you the same output.

But there is another problem:

Making Videos as a Hacker

I don't know if it's skill issue, or because I'm getting old - but I tend to like written articles to video tutorials myself, when it comes to hacking. Reading at my own pace, with my own music and copy pasting ultra-extreme-super-duper-long commands from article to console. Nice.

Hence my idea of hacking-videos was born: A more entertainment based approach to hacking, where I solve challenges (blind) with you (during livestreams).

The problem with that is that they usually take a long time, they use complex attacks - and most important of all: They don't get to the point. I fail multiple times, before getting my foot in - and that's just the reality of hacking (or my skill issue :P).

So why watch some hacker fail multiple times and do stupid shit, instead of just reading a walkthrough or watching an IppSec video. Who exactly am I making content for? As it turns out, a hyper specific mini audience.

Now, that is not to say I'll stop doing that, but maybe I'll restructure my content a little bit.

YouTube As A Platform

This Section is kinda messy and all over the place, sorry :)

A while ago YouTube decided to crack down on Hacking Videos and started banning/demonetizing a lot of hacking or cyber security related videos. They have since stopped that, and now it's possible to create monetized hacking videos again. Yay!

If you're familiar with my (whining about my) YouTube channel, you should be familiar with the fact that I suspect most of my subs to be fake.

4 or 5 years ago I created a Video called 5 Ways To Hack A Password which got around 4 Million views (and I have now made not public anymore). With those views came a ton of subs. But also tons and tons of spam and bot-comments.

So I assume that the majority of my subs are bots or just not really interested in hacking, especially let's hack style videos. Everytime I upload a new video, I immediately lose about 3 to 4 subs and the videos die down.

So somehow my Channels Algorithm is broken? (Or again, skill issue)

I also get more and more comments about my appearance and how "I look gay" and how that leads to the commenter unsubscribing, which tells me that my core audience or whatever isn't exactly the ppl I want to connect with (online, offline or parasocial).

I don't really know what to make of this, so I'm starting a little experiment:

Live Streaming, Videos, Articles, ...


All Ciphers Are Broken YouTube Channel

In one of my ADHD-highs, I came to the glorious idea to revive my second YouTube Channel (now called All Ciphers Are Broken). On this channel I have some tutorials/essay like videos that you can already watch, and I'll eventually get around to make more videos.

I want to try something special, that will use the medium of video better. And something creative. I don't know what that will look like in the future, or if anything fancy will happen from it, but I wanted to have a place to create entertaining, informative, creative, unique videos when I get to it. I want making videos to become fun again for me as well.

(Make sure to subscribe if you're interested in this project)

On my existing channel (Zanidd), I'll still upload the Livestream VODs for members (and on patreon) and maybe the cut versions as well.

Live Streaming

For the time being, I'll continue streaming on YouTube, but I may eventually switch over to twitch, owncast or something else. YouTube feels kinda weird for streaming.

Articles & Text

As you may have noticed, I started blogging again - microblogging and real blogging. (Check my Mastodon for more on my microblogs) And I intend to occasionally blog on both platforms.

Well thanks for reading my rants, make sure to connect with me on mastodon, youtube or if you want to support me on patreon, so I can one day become a full-time hacking-video-maker.

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